Oil & Gas Treatment Products
Addressing foam and emulsions to optimize production
To achieve production optimization, it is prudent to put in an effective phase separation program to address the formation of emulsions and foam. The program can also address the cleaning up of produced water for reuse or disposal.
Emulsion Breakers for Oil & Gas Production Optimization
During the oil and gas production process, oil, water, and emulsifying agents combine with forces of shear and agitation generated in the production process as fluids move from the reservoir, perforations, pumps, and valves to form regular emulsions. These are oil external emulsions containing water droplets in the internal phase.
Regular emulsions formed downhole can reduce or completely block production. On the surface, emulsions cause severe flow issues along with additional concerns attributable to the water content, such as corrosion and mineral scale, not to mention the costs associated with transporting water. As a consequence, pipelines set specifications on the amount of basic sediment & water that is allowable (BS&W) before they’ll buy or accept custody of the hydrocarbon liquids. Effective Shedu Emulsion Breakers reduce BS&W in the separation system to meet or exceed these sales specifications.
Shedu* Emulsion Breakers Features & Benefits
• Provide best-in-class emulsion breaking performance
• Reduce BS&W to meet or exceed sales specifications
• Ensure fit-for-use stability under all process and environmental temperature extremes
• Be available globally, using best-in-class chemistry and local solvent sources, along with service provided locally by experienced personnel
• Use in deepwater umbilical systems, with formulations compatible with metals, polymers, and plastics used in the chemical injection system
• Reduce fluid viscosity by eliminating emulsions in the production system
• Provide cost effective treatments with custom formulations
• Minimize oil in the effluent water to allow for effective water treatment
Foamers for Oil & Gas Production Optimization
Removing liquid loading in the well, delaying the need to invest additional capital for pumps or velocity strings, is something that many production companies desire. Perhaps the best solution to accomplish this is to use a special surfactant or “Foamer”. Shedu foamers work by reducing the density of the fluid downhole, allowing it to be removed naturally using the reservoir pressure flowing to the well.
SHEDU’s Foamers cause the liquids and gas production to form a weak foam which travels up the well tubing to the surface separators, where the foam disperses into liquid and gas.
Shedu* Foamers Features & Benefits
• Improves and stabilizes hydrocarbon production
• Maximizes production without additional capital investment in the well
• Removes liquids from the well to reduce corrosion, scale and hydrate issues
• Improves the life of system tubing
• Improves safety and reduces environmental risk by minimizing costly intervention
• Provides formulations which are fit for use for extreme conditions in the well and the environment
• Optimizes performance of velocity strings and plunger lift systems
• Be formulated with corrosion and scale inhibitors to provide additional functionality
• Be applied in batch or continuous, via injection down the casing, tubing or through a cap string
Defoamers/Antifoamers for Oil & Gas Production Optimization
In the Shedu Antifoam product line, Shedu has two types of foam control agents based on prevention of foam or actively breaking foam issues:
Anti-foamers, which work to prevent foam from forming by producing reduced surface tension at the gas / liquid interface. This helps to thin the foam and cause it to break before it becomes an issue. These products are applied ahead of the unit with the foaming issue.
Defoamers, which are applied to foam which has already formed, eliminating the foam and getting the system back to normal operations. If you have foaming issues, Shedu’s local field service team can help identify the threat and provide the best application method to maintain efficiency in separation equipment and scrubbers.
Shedu* Foamers/Antifoamers Features & Benefits
• Disperse rapidly in fluids and foam
• Provide cost effective, low dosage treatments
• Completely control foaming issues
• Function well over a wide range of system operating conditions
• Be compatible with other chemicals in your system
Reverse Emulsion Breakers/Water Clarifiers for Oil & Gas Production Optimization
Water is often produced in oil & gas systems. The water, oil & condensate, and emulsifying agents, along with agitation and shear from the production process, often creates a water external or “Reverse Emulsion” with oil droplets as the internal phase. This creates lost production revenue because oil is removed with the water, but it also becomes a challenge based on the final disposition of the water. Depending on its final use or discharge, the water will require additional purification to remove the oil or hydrocarbons to meet specifications set by production companies and environmental regulatory agencies.
The water may be going into a SWD (salt water disposal well), and it may be released into a surface water system such as a creek, river, or ocean. It may be pumped into an injection well to maintain reservoir pressures or mixed with surface waters in order to provide flood water with a specific ionic composition.
It’s important to recover as much oil as is economically feasible. Shedu’s line of Reverse Emulsion Breaker chemistries, developed from years of water treating expertise, is there to help.
Shedu* Reverse Emulsion Breaker Features & Benefits
• Provides superior performance in removing oily waste
• Functions well in every type of water treatment system used around the globe
• Meets or exceeds discharge specifications for potable water systems
• Provides water quality that extends the life of filters and membranes used to polish the water
• Maximizes hydrocarbon recovery and revenue at a minimal cost
• Incorporates the best chemistries from years of water treating experience
Corrosion Inhibitors for Oil & Gas
In oil & gas production, corrosion ranks as one of the top cost drivers. There are many factors that contribute to corrosion, some of which are easily controlled, some that are seemingly impossible to control. A combination of factors contributes to this issue including brine chemistry, bacteria and related byproducts, gas composition, oxygen encroachment, temperature and pressure conditions, use of dissimilar metals, fluid flow conditions, solids (abrasion), electrical charges, chemicals and additives used to stimulate production, and more.
The impacts of corrosion are immense. Corrosion reduces the effective life of equipment. It leads to premature failure, safety hazards, leaks, spills, fines and system shut-ins. It impacts lifting costs both by increasing the cost of operations and by reducing production revenues.
Shedu is committed to minimizing the risk of corrosion in your production system. This is done by assessing the system and determining the root causes of corrosion, to stop corrosion in its tracks. Shedu’s process begins by evaluating the system and analyzing the production fluids and gases, focusing on mechanisms that cause corrosion. Investigating previous failures of tubulars and equipment can provide clues as to the root cause of the failure and lead to successful inhibition programs supported by monitored results.
Shedu* Corrosion Inhibitor Features & Benefits
• Utilize the chemistry that provides the results you are hoping to achieve.
• Provide fit-for-use products for your system, taking into account extremes of temperature, pressure and flow
• Identify problematic areas downhole and on the surface where corrosion risk is greatest and mitigate the risk for trouble free operations
• Improve the life of equipment and flowlines throughout the system
• Maximize on-line production time, minimizing downtime due to corrosion related failures
Hydrogen Sulfide Scavengers for Oil & Gas
A major production challenge in oil & gas systems is the presence of Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S). H2S may be present in the reservoir “naturally” or it may be due to the presence of sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) which produce hydrogen sulfide. H2S is highly reactive, especially with iron, and in most systems the H2S will readily react with iron in ionic form or iron from metal surfaces, to form various species of iron sulfide (FeS). SRB colonies adhering to pipe walls can become iron sulfide factories, eating away at the pipe surface and forming pits which eventually may cause leaks and failures.
Left untreated, systems with H2S will generate FeS, which leads to other major operational challenges and costs because of the subsequent production issues it causes – scale, interface problems, filter and reservoir plugging, water discharge concerns, and lost production. If the water is being reused for stimulation or fracturing, the water must be conditioned to remove the FeS, which adds operational costs. If the oil or gas contains H2S above sales specifications, the production will be rejected until the spec limits are reached.
SHEDU’s upstream technical team will identify the cause and extent of sulfides in your system and develop a comprehensive program to minimize the issues related to sulfides. It may involve application of a Shedu Hydrogen Sulfide Scavenger or a Shedu Biocide to eradicate SRB. Rest assured that the cost-effective solution from Shedu will address sulfides and control them so that sulfides don’t control you.
Shedu* Hydrogen Sulfide Scavengers Features & Benefits
• Eliminate H2S and FeS in your production system
• Reduce equipment failures and fouling
• Prevent “black” water and related issues (plugging, emulsions, scale)
• Improve overall safety and reduce environmental risk
• Reduce the risk of corrosion failures and improve asset integrity
• Meet pipeline & sales specifications all the time
By applying the right Shedu sulfide control solution and reducing sulfide issues, hydrocarbon production will be optimized to meet or exceed your production objectives.
Asset Integrity
Tailored Shedu solutions to maximize asset integrity
Shedu’s comprehensive Asset Integrity chemical and engineered solutions, together with years of expertise, allows us to offer site-specific solutions to effectively address corrosion, bacteria, hydrogen sulfide and other challenges that are a concern. Produced water in the system is the main cause of corrosion in the piping and vessels and the situation is compounded by the presence of acid gases associated with the hydrocarbons. De-aerating oxygen from the injection water is essential to mitigate corrosivity and protect injection networks
Ensuring Asset Performance
To maintain operational efficiency, assets must perform required functions effectively while safeguarding against health, safety and environmental concerns. Operators can employ several strategies to prevent equipment failure, maximize oil and gas production, and significantly decreases the total cost of operation. These strategies include: site-specific corrosion inhibition mitigation, scavenging of acid gases, controlling corrosive bacteria, and monitoring tactics.
Even the most well engineering assets can face rapid deterioration when subjected to an inadequate integrity management program.
Corrosion Inhibitors for Oil & Gas
In oil & gas production, corrosion ranks as one of the top cost drivers. There are many factors that contribute to corrosion, some of which are easily controlled, some that are seemingly impossible to control. A combination of factors contributes to this issue including brine chemistry, bacteria and related byproducts, gas composition, oxygen encroachment, temperature and pressure conditions, use of dissimilar metals, fluid flow conditions, solids (abrasion), electrical charges, chemicals and additives used to stimulate production, and more.
The impacts of corrosion are immense. Corrosion reduces the effective life of equipment. It leads to premature failure, safety hazards, leaks, spills, fines and system shut-ins. It impacts lifting costs both by increasing the cost of operations and by reducing production revenues.
Shedu is committed to minimizing the risk of corrosion in your production system. This is done by assessing the system and determining the root causes of corrosion, to stop corrosion in its tracks. Shedu’s process begins by evaluating the system and analyzing the production fluids and gases, focusing on mechanisms that cause corrosion. Investigating previous failures of tubulars and equipment can provide clues as to the root cause of the failure and lead to successful inhibition programs supported by monitored results.
Shedu* Corrosion Inhibitor Features & Benefits
• Utilize the chemistry that provides the results you are hoping to achieve.
• Provide fit-for-use products for your system, taking into account extremes of temperature, pressure and flow
• Identify problematic areas downhole and on the surface where corrosion risk is greatest and mitigate the risk for trouble free operations
• Improve the life of equipment and flowlines throughout the system
• Maximize on-line production time, minimizing downtime due to corrosion related failures
Hydrogen Sulfide Scavengers for Oil & Gas
A major production challenge in oil & gas systems is the presence of Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S). H2S may be present in the reservoir “naturally” or it may be due to the presence of sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) which produce hydrogen sulfide. H2S is highly reactive, especially with iron, and in most systems the H2S will readily react with iron in ionic form or iron from metal surfaces, to form various species of iron sulfide (FeS). SRB colonies adhering to pipe walls can become iron sulfide factories, eating away at the pipe surface and forming pits which eventually may cause leaks and failures.
Left untreated, systems with H2S will generate FeS, which leads to other major operational challenges and costs because of the subsequent production issues it causes – scale, interface problems, filter and reservoir plugging, water discharge concerns, and lost production. If the water is being reused for stimulation or fracturing, the water must be conditioned to remove the FeS, which adds operational costs. If the oil or gas contains H2S above sales specifications, the production will be rejected until the spec limits are reached.
SHEDU’s upstream technical team will identify the cause and extent of sulfides in your system and develop a comprehensive program to minimize the issues related to sulfides. It may involve application of a Shedu Hydrogen Sulfide Scavenger or a Shedu Biocide to eradicate SRB. Rest assured that the cost-effective solution from Shedu will address sulfides and control them so that sulfides don’t control you.
Shedu* Hydrogen Sulfide Scavengers Features & Benefits
• Eliminate H2S and FeS in your production system
• Reduce equipment failures and fouling
• Prevent “black” water and related issues (plugging, emulsions, scale)
• Improve overall safety and reduce environmental risk
• Reduce the risk of corrosion failures and improve asset integrity
• Meet pipeline & sales specifications all the time
By applying the right Shedu sulfide control solution and reducing sulfide issues, hydrocarbon production will be optimized to meet or exceed your production objectives.
Biocide/Biogrowth Control for Oil & Gas
Bacterial contamination of oil & gas production systems is a serious production challenge requiring the right chemistry and application methods to properly control. Bacteria may have been introduced in many ways and over many years – drilling well completions, reinjection of produced waters for pressure maintenance, EOR projects, workovers, hot oil/water treatments, etc. It’s often impossible to determine the cause, but once bacteria take up residence in your reservoir or production system, they are difficult to eliminate. The good news is that with Shedu’s chemical treatments, bacteria-related issues can be controlled, and production issues minimized.
Shedu’s systematic approach to bacterial control begins with assessing the locations and types of the bacteria in your system. Shedu technical teams will sample and test fluids to quantify bacterial issues, followed by selecting solutions which attack the bacteria where they reside.
By selecting the best mitigation program, Shedu will ensure that bacteria issues are minimized. In fracs, production and injection systems, Shedu’s Biocides can help minimize production issues and maximize asset life. Proper control of bacteria results in reduced operational costs, reduced H2S generation, cleaner production, more efficient operations and reduced failure rates.
Shedu* Biocide/Biogrowth Control Features & Benefits
• Control bacterial growth in oil & gas production systems
• Minimize microbial generation of H2S and the related downstream issues it causes, including corrosion, water quality, separation, rejected sales of gas and oil
• Improve health, safety and environmental compliance
• Reduce filter plugging in water injection systems
Shedu has the know-how to deliver the knockout punch to bacteria. Specially designed formulations penetrate bacterial films and destroy the active colony. Nanofiltration systems can remove all bacteria from injected fluids, effectively providing a green solution for your water needs. Shedu’s technical teams work in collaboration with each other to deliver the optimal system to address bacterial issues in your system.
Oxygen Scavengers/Inhibitors for Oil & Gas
Oxygen is a serious threat to system integrity, even at extremely low amounts. Most oxygen corrosion is directly attributable to addition of fluids which have been exposed to fresh air. Oxygen can be introduced during fracs, waterfloods, squeezes and workovers when large volumes of fluids are injected downhole. On the surface, loose fitting valves and connections, pinhole leaks, or tank openings can allow the oxygen to enter lines, reacting with system metallurgy.
At Shedu, our field technical representatives will regularly analyze fluids to check for the presence of oxygen. If found, a thorough inspection of the upstream system will take place to identify places that oxygen enters the system. In addition, Shedu’s Oxygen Scavengers may be applied to remove the oxygen and eradicate the corrosive risk it creates.
Shedu Oxygen Scavengers/Inhibitors Features & Benefits
• React quickly with oxygen to deactivate its corrosion potential
• Be applied in a “neat” form directly to your system
• Provide reduced corrosion and maximize asset integrity
Shedu’s oxygen scavengers are selected to help keep your oil and gas production systems operating at peak efficiency levels. Eliminating oxygen leads to reduced failures, leaks and hazardous conditions that add costs to your operations. In addition, reduced failures lead to increases in hydrocarbon production and revenue streams.
Flow Assurance
Address the most debilitating challenges impacting oil flow with help from SHEDU
Shedu offers a full solution flow assurance service to ensure the successful and cost-effective flow of hydrocarbon streams from the reservoir to the point of sale. Shedu’s best-in-class chemistries are formulated as multifunctional for the mitigation of a variety of oil production issues including wax, asphaltene and scale. Our digital oilfield technologies and expert technicians complete our flow assurance program to deliver optimized and uninterrupted flow of hydrocarbons throughout the entire value chain.
Asphaltene Inhibitors/Dispersants
When asphaltene molecules – which are present in most oils and condensate liquids – become destabilized, asphaltene control is needed. Asphaltenes are usually present as a stabilized suspension in hydrocarbon liquids, and the molecules are destabilized by changes in conditions such as pH, electrical charges caused by movement in the reservoir and system, production operations (i.e., acidizing, CO2 flooding, mixing production fluids, etc.), and pressure and temperature changes.
When asphaltenes are destabilized, the asphaltene molecules precipitate and form hard and brittle deposits. Like the damage caused by paraffin and mineral scale, these deposits can plug pore spaces in the reservoir and near wellbore area, form downhole blockages and emulsions, cause pump failures and tubing blockages, separation issues, and tank bottoms.
Asphaltene deposition is expensive to remove due to labor, equipment and chemicals; causes safety and environmental concerns; results in system downtime and lost production revenue; and at times, causes water treatment issues. Asphaltene is valuable in solution, so the key is to minimize your cost and lost production by keeping the asphaltene in solution from the reservoir to the refinery.
Asphaltene Control Features and Benefits
• Stabilizes asphaltene molecules in hydrocarbon liquids, reducing precipitation and deposition
• Reduces failure risks and provides additional asset integrity and system reliability, especially in subsea or Deepwater production systems
• Maximizes hydrocarbon production and revenue by maintaining optimal production levels and getting the asphaltene to the refinery
• Minimizes separation issues and interface pad stabilizes by asphaltene molecules
• Eliminates downhole “rigid film” emulsion
• Reverses skin-damage caused by acids jobs
• Maximizes flow through separation and sales systems
Paraffin/Wax Inhibitors
Paraffin (wax) is a valuable component of hydrocarbon production. It may be present in trace amounts or constitute more than 50% of total hydrocarbon production in some oil fields. It is of critical importance to prevent paraffin from precipitating in the production system, as it is transported from the reservoir to the refinery.
Paraffin naturally crystalizes, precipitates and forms deposits with changes in pressure and temperature. All system locations are at risk of paraffin deposition once the oil cools to its wax appearance temperature (WAT). The WAT could be downhole (i.e., reservoir and near wellbore, perfs, tubing, pumps), or on the surface (i.e., flow lines, valves, headers, separation equipment, tanks, etc.).
When wax deposits form, they attract more wax crystals and grow, eventually blocking the flow channels. In some instances, wax co-precipitates with mineral scale and asphaltene, increasing the complexity of removal and disposal processes.
SHEDU has formulated specialized Shedu* Paraffin Control solutions to address paraffin issues consisting of inhibitors, dispersants and solvents. The key is to analyze the fluids and deposits and assess system operating parameters. With this knowledge, an effective paraffin control program can be designed to minimize operating issues and maximize hydrocarbon production and revenue.
Shedu Paraffin Control Features and Benefits
• Minimizes deposition and production throughput
• Minimizes remediation and intervention to remove paraffin deposits
• Improves safety and reduced the environmental risks due to paraffin
• Fit for use in most oilfield situations
• Can be applied in several ways, including batch and continuous
Scale Inhibitors
Oilfield brines present many challenges, from the reservoir to the disposal wells. In addition to corrosive properties, these brines often contain scale-forming ions which can precipitate and form deposits throughout the system as changes in equilibrium occur. These changes may be related to temperature and pressure, the release of gases, pH, the mixing of incompatible brines and more. Scale inhibitors for oil and gas applications can help reduce the problem.
When scale forms, problems often occur such as: channels in the reservoir and well perforations become plugged; pumps load with the scale, overheat and fail; tubing and production lines become constricted and plug off; valves coat with scale and fail to function; equipment and heat exchangers become scale coated, losing efficiency and requiring costly remedial action; and salt water injection and disposal wells plug off with mineral scale, forcing the pumps to work harder thereby increasing energy cost and eventually failing, requiring equipment replacement and injection well and reservoir remediation.
SHEDU realizes that mineral scale-forming tendencies are unique in each case. To control the many combinations of scale that may occur, a variety of fit-for-use Shedu Scale Control products are required, to both control scaling tendencies and to remove deposits which may have formed.
Shedu Scale Control Features and Benefits
• Mitigates issues unique to the mineral scale species present in a given system
• Ability to be applied via batch or squeeze, or continuously, to prevent formation of scale
• Effectively removes deposits of mineral scale
• Compatible with other chemicals applied in the system
• Optimizes flow through production and injection or disposal lines
• Ensures operations are running safely and efficiently
Hydrate Inhibitors
Since the early days of deep water oil & gas production, many flow assurance issues were caused by clathrates or gas hydrates. Hydrates are solids developed when water molecules form a cage-like structure around a gas molecule under high pressure conditions. Once hydrates begin to form, they grow rapidly and often plug off flow lines almost instantaneously.
Hydrate plugs are difficult and, in some cases, impossible to remove. The removal usually involves applying heat or chemicals (if possible) and it’s difficult, especially in subsea deep water, to get the treatment to the location of the plug. The industry agrees that it is far better to prevent hydrate deposition from occurring in the first place.
To form, hydrates must have three components: gas (organic or H2S, CO2), water and oil or condensate. For each system, predictive modeling software is used to identify hydrate threats. To control hydrates, removing or modifying one of the three components can prevent hydrate formation, or changing temperature and pressure conditions to put the system outside the hydrate zone will do the same. In many cases, this isn’t an option and the use of chemical additives to control hydrates is required.
If chemistry is the preferred control method, SHEDU’s Shedu Hydrate Inhibitors are available to mitigate the risk: Thermal Dynamic Inhibitors and Low Dosage Hydrate Inhibitors (Kinetic Hydrate Inhibitors, and Anti-agglomerants).
Shedu Hydrate Inhibitor Features & Benefits
• Prevents hydrate formation in oil and gas production and transportation systems
• Provides effective control while the system is in the hydrate formation zone
• Controls hydrates and does not interfere with separation systems and water quality
• Maximizes flow through the lines and minimize hydrate control costs
• Fit for use in deep water system
• Compatible with polymers, plastics and metal in umbilical injection systems
Flow Improvers
In subsea lines, it is important to maximize production flow to allow for optimum production amounts. Many times, the formation of regular oil-in-water emulsions increases fluid viscosity, putting undue stress on pumps which leads to higher energy costs and premature failure.
Replacing subsea equipment is very costly and requires extensive logistical planning. In addition, factor in timing to ensure weather and sea conditions are just right, and the risk of safety and environmental issues that could occur.
To ensure maximum flow and minimized viscosity due to emulsified fluids, Shedu deep water certified Shedu DW Emulsion Breakers are prescribed. These products will reduce emulsion formations, facilitating flow and operating separation process.
Shedu Flow Improvers Feature and Benefits
• Improves flow through subsea flow lines
• Minimizes fluid viscosity and maximizes pump life
• Reduced energy requirements to pump fluids
• Fit for use in deep water system
• Stable under all conditions of subsea production
• Fully compatible with polymers, plastics, metallurgy in the umbilical injection system